Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Tiny Conversation

" A man's response to an event do not just reflect his background but his character too!" Charlie was getting irritating.

"I do understand it, but that's a negligible part of what you haven't seen yet, and you and I have to accept that, with time and repeated encounter of an individual with the same event, a reaction or a response in compliance with that event can be mastered right ? It's not always reflex action! During some events you CAN, in fact take the help of your conscious thoughts and let the brain do its job of analyzing all the circumstances and then take a decision which considers common good of mass". Jones stated with a diplomatic voice.

"And what about statistics brother ? Every time our friends have tried to make a living by peaceful and friendly manner, they have been either beaten to death, killed by their breath, flooded by their homes and families and children are killed even before they are born! How fair is that ? can't those who are little more superior and powerful and strong, wilfully make some sacrifice so that millions others can live ? can't they donate a drop of blood ? How much do these people ask for anyways? they don't want luxurious and cozy life! they want to live my friend! and if it involves a little sacrifice from superior with a little pain, I don't think thats too much to ask for!"

"I do accept and support your statement regarding unsafe place! Its death everywhere! You don't know in which corner death is waiting for you, you can't fly, as its polluted and has deadly gases, a trap! you can't walk or run! there's trap too, neither can you swim! there is death too invisibly dissolved seamlessly in the depths of water. But still! how much have we taken our superiors and more powerful for granted ? We demand from them, and when we don't get what we want, we don't even ask from them, what do we do instead ? we disturb their lives, their peace, and we hurt them and snatch from them. Is it less than stealing?"
Jones kept his hand on Charlie's shoulder.

"Do we deserve death for that? Do we? that is what we are my friend! we may be thieves, but they out there are killers! killers they are!" yelled Charlie.

Right then door creaked open and someone walked in and pushed a switch on wall and a red light started glowing.

"Red alert! Red Alert! Charlie! Jones! Its a trap! Its mosquito's repellent! fly! fly!" someone yelled from distance.

Jones looked into Charlie's red eyes! and felt there were no words left with him!
"I told you Jones I told you" stammered Charlie, and both Charlie and Jones flew towards the window.

1 comment:

Vats said...

this one really good